Thursday 4 September 2014

Sony's New Smartphone Includes PS4 Remote Play

Sony took to the stage during today’s IFA technology showcase in Berlin to unveil their new wearable tech and Z3 Smartphone – the latter of which touts a wide array of fancy features, including, perhaps most notably for us – PlayStation Remote Play.
I know what you’re thinking; The Z3 doesn’t
feature any sticks or physical buttons, this won’t work. You’re probably right. Sony have got you covered however, with the somewhat cumbersome DualShock 4 controller mount seen below.
So, if you fancy shelling out the cost of a PS4 all over again (and then some) to play DriveClub on the go, you’ll be wanting to pick up a Z3 – or it’s tablet counterpart – later this year. Sony say they have no plans to bring the Remote Play service to any other mobile handsets.
Personally, I don’t see this taking off, but it’s unnerving that Sony are investing in the idea at all, given that the Vita’s positioning as a companion app is such a big selling point for PS4 owners right now, and remote play being it’s major USP.

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