Saturday 6 September 2014

Mortal Kombat X Bringing The Fight On April 14th, Goro Returns As Pre-Order Bonus

Warner Bros Interactive has confirmed that Mortal Kombat X will be releasing April 14th 2015 for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. The publisher also announced that Goro will reappear in the series but
only as a pre-order character, though he’ll probably be available as an extra downloadable character after release. Goro did appear in Mortal Kombat 9 but he was an unplayable character in that game.
Goro’s appearance as a playable character has been hinted at for a little while, with fans wishes finally confirmed. I’m personally looking forward to the next instalment in the series as MK9 was very enjoyable, and I want to see where NetherRealm have next in store for the franchise’s story.

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